Rick Owens 2015/16秋冬巴黎男装流行发布
Rick Owens 2015/16秋冬巴黎男装流行发布
2015-08-05 00:00:00
Rick Owens 瑞克.欧文斯
Subsequently, Porsche on the rear wheel of the Lohner-Porsche is also loaded with two wheel motor, resulting in the birth of the world's first four wheel drive electric vehicle. But the car is used in the battery volume and weight are very large. |
Rick Owens 2011/12秋冬巴黎男装流行发布 纵观这场秀的主题,你可以想尽各种荒诞的元素,都不足以来描述这场“怪诞”的晚餐。Thom大叔将他一向怪诞风趣的服装风格发挥到了极致,仿佛穿越到了18-19世纪。
瑞克·欧文斯 (Rick Owens) 被称为 “歌德式极简主义”,设计出神圣女祭师服。瑞克·欧文斯 (Rick Owens) 的作品强调建筑架构的外套和著名的斜纹剪裁,低调的包裹着身形。利落的讯息在完边处传达出来。
Rick Owens这一次带来了一节标准的哥特造型设计教育课,这样的设计理念多年不变但每次都会让人陶醉其中。2011秋冬男装造型承袭了2011春夏的女装系列设计理念,强调雕塑空间状态的分析和演绎。黑白色让人突然从浮躁中陈静了下来!
Rick Owens 2014春夏的秀场上,设计师轰走了所有的竹竿模特,换成了自己特意从美国空运过来的一群跳踢踏舞的女汉子!这不是T台,分明是女汉子们的角斗现场,而且大姐大们的表情像是要把你活吞下去,想必如此奇葩的秀已经成功地刻印在大家的脑海里,更让余下的秀场都活在了它的阴影下。
The name of Contente's debut, create a great sensation.
Subsequently, Porsche on the rear wheel of the Lohner-Porsche is also loaded with two wheel motor, resulting in the birth of the world's first four wheel drive electric vehicle. But the car is used in the battery volume and weight are very large, and the maximum speed of only 60 kilometers per hour. In order to solve these problems, Porsche in 1902 in electric cars and the installation of a internal combustion engine to generate electricity to drive the wheel hub motor, which is in the world the first hybrid car.
In 1620, the Italians invented the "counterattack Blanca turbine steam turbine", used to drive the car wheel. In 1766, the British inventor James Watt (1736--1819) improved the steam engine, opened the prelude to the first industrial revolution.
述这场“怪诞”的晚餐。 |
架构的外套和著名的斜纹剪裁,低调的包裹 着身形。 |
系列设计理念,强调雕塑空间状态的分析和 演绎。 |